This mod is not known to work with the latest version of Kerbal Space Program. Proceed with caution.
EveryS - v 1.0 for KSP
Say goodbye to miserable kerbal misery, and make EveryS a BadS! If you prefer to see kerbals grinning like maniacs rather than looking like their last hour has come, this mod will give all of them the BadS quality of Jeb and Val.
EveryS sets the 'BadS' state of all kerbals to 'true' - original four, new hires, rescued kerbals and tourists. This means that except for when bits of their vessel are exploding, they grin and look happy rather than having their expressions set by their courage trait, often looking miserable at the least bit of danger. (The courage is unchanged if you are using mods which do something with it.)
There are no settings or configuration file.
The EveryS folder needs to be unzipped and put in your KSP\GameData folder.
The source code is in the Source folder in GameData\EveryS.
Version History
RELEASE (2017-09-26), v - recompiled with 1.3 binaries.
RELEASE (2016-05-01), v - recompiled with 1.1.2 binaries
RELEASE (2016-04-29), v - recompiled with 1.1.1 binaries
RELEASE (2016-04-28), v
EveryS, its associated files and the source code are all released under the GPL 3 licence, text here:
Raw stats are from the beginning of time until now. Each follower and download entry represents one hour of data. Uneventful hours are omitted.