Volumetric Vapor Cones

Use Waterfall effects to mimic transonic vapor cone effects

License: MIT

Game Version: 1.12.5

Downloads: 1,203

Author: hai25

Followers: 6

Volumetric Vapor Cones

Waterfall configs for creating volumetric transonic vapor cones (around Mach 0.95-1.05)


  • Adds a part to Utility called "Vapor cone generator" that looks like the small linear RCS port
  • Includes 4 preset sizes and a disable option (for displaying cones in different orientations)
  • Includes 2 shape variants, flat conical for aircraft and rockets and rounded for rockets

How to use

  • Just put the Vapor cone generator part wherever you want a vapor cone to form
  • You can also adjust the vapor cone size in flight


  • Since it uses the Waterfall mod, it can only display cones in one orientation regardless of direction of motion
  • For stuff like booster returns, you can add two vapor cone generators in opposite directions and disable one or the other during flight


  • Download the repo as zip, unzip and merge GameData folder with your KSP GameData
  • Alternatively, you can directly copy the VaporCones folder into KSP GameData after downloading zip
  • Make sure you have the requirements below


  • Waterfall
  • ModuleManager
  • B9PartSwitch


Flat conical vapor cones for planes

Rounded vapor cones for rockets


Waterfall configs loosely based on KnightOfStJohn's Stock Waterfall Effects configs

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