Tourism Overhaul: Completely Revamps Tourism Contracts CKAN

Tourism Overhaul is a contract-pack that completely replaces the stock tourism contracts. It fixes lots of the common complaints with vanilla game tourist contracts, while also expanding the system in general, adding things such as Space Hotels which can be put in orbit around different planetary bodies to rake in lots of kerbucks.

License: CC-BY-NC-SA

Game Version: 1.12.5

Downloads: 545

Author: iLikeGothMommys

Mod Website: Forum Thread

Followers: 4

Tourism Overhaul is a contract-pack that completely replaces the stock tourism contracts. It fixes lots of the common complaints with vanilla game tourist contracts, while also expanding the system in general, adding things such as Space Hotels which can be put in orbit around different planetary bodies to rake in lots of kerbucks.

Something this mod does that other mods didn't do was properly balance tourism between early and late game. With this mod, early game contracts will pay large amounts for sending tourists to the Mun & Minmus, but once you start going interplanetary your tourists will realize that the Mun & Minmus isn't really worth it anymore, and will pay slightly less for those trips while they will pay more for interplanetary missions. The contract layout was also designed to mimic stock Kerbal Space Program, showing the names of each Kerbals itenerary individually instead of grouping them together, which will allow you to split up tourists into seperate ships if you so desire. This mod is compatible with other planet packs, and has been fully tested with the Outer Planets Mod.

---------------- FEATURES ----------------

Better Balancing: Get what you deserve for your contracts. Contract rewards are adjusted based on your current achievments in your space program. Early game / easier tourist contracts will pay a higher amount during early game, while harder contracts will have a higher payout for late game. Contracts are balanced so they don't overpay/underpay.

Space Hotels: Now you can construct space hotels. Not just around Kerbin, but also around other planetary bodies.

Revamped Contracts & New Unique Contracts: This mod completely replaces the stock tourist contracts, and adds 7 brand new contracts!

Stock-Alike Tourist System: Now contracts give you each individual tourist as its own objective, this gives the mod a similiar feel to stock. Other mods do not do this, they group all tourists into one objective.

---------------- NEW CONTRACTS ----------------

Intro Investor Tour: Ferry a potential investor to Low Kerbin orbit (Must have returned 15 tourists home safely and have 400 reputation)

First Space Hotel: Construct your very first space hotel around orbit of Kerbin! (Requires Intro Investor Tour to be completed)

Interplanetary Investors: Construct a space hotel around a random planet that you have visited, then give an investor a tour of it.  (Must have returned 40 tourists home safely, have completed 3 tourist trips to your first space hotel, and atleast 580 reputation)

Space Hotel Tourists: Ferry between 10 & 35 tourists to one of your Space Hotels.

Interstellar Tourism: Ferry groups of 8 to 16 Kerbals to an interstellar planet / moon

Interstellar Hotels: Construct interstellar hotels & send large groups of tourists to them.

The Rich Billionaire: Ferry a billionaire tourist (Elon Kerman, Bezos Kerman, or Branson Kerman) on a world-first interplanetary landing. (Requires 350 reputation and a return trip from outside of Kerbals SOI)

Kerbol Escape: A tourist wants to be sent on a escape trajectory of the Sun.

Kerbol Grand Tour: A very rich tourist wants to do a flyby of EVERY planet in the Kerbol system. (Requires 600 reputation and the completion of a Gas Giant Grand tour, intended to be end-game)

Historical Sites: Ferry a group of tourists to one of your previous mission sites.

---------------- REVAMPED CONTRACTS ----------------

Local Bodies: Ferry a group of tourists to either Low Kerbin Orbit or an Orbit / Landing of the Mun or Minmus.

Interplanetary Tourism: Ferry a group of tourists into orbit or to the surface of a different planet.

Grand Tour (Gas Giants): Send two tourists on a flyby of every moon orbiting a gas giant.

---------------- REQUIREMENTS ----------------



---------------- RECOMMENDED MODS ----------------


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