This mod is not known to work with the latest version of Kerbal Space Program. Proceed with caution.
INSTALL: Open the FIle, Then open the GameData folder; in you KSP Directory Path, Open The GameData Folder and drag the "RandomPartExplosion" to the GameData Folder. Run KSP and that's it!
More Infrmation:
A plugin that can explode a random part on your ship.
Compatible KSP Versions**: 1.9, 1.10, 1.11.0 1.12.0 +
Current Mod Version: 1.0 Beta.
Shortcut: Press Alt + 1 to Explode. But this will change in the next Update.
Later Versions will have a additional download for a version that destroy the root part of your ship.
Raw stats are from the beginning of time until now. Each follower and download entry represents one hour of data. Uneventful hours are omitted.